November Tasks for the Garden
Posted November 08, 2018

Lower light levels and short days are a sign that the year is drawing near to its end. The pace of work slows down, bad weather conditions mean that some jobs have to be put on hold. November is primarily a period of preparation for the year ahead and it is worth taking advantage of fine days to winter dig and tidy the garden.
Harvest beetroot, early Brussels sprouts (after frost), early winter cabbage, carrots, celeriac, celery, endive, kale, leeks, parsnips, salsify, and winter spinach.
Sow overwintering broad beans and peas (giving them some protection), and garlic.
Protect frost tender crops with mulch, cloches, or fleece.
As the land is cleared of crops, make sure to collect up and remove all debris, putting healthy material in the compost heap.
Continue hoeing and weeding, remembering to weed under cloches.
Clean and scrub greenhouse. This helps with disease and pest outbreaks.
Remove dying leaves from brassicas to avoid problems with pest and diseases.
Spray copper on fruit trees that may have had blight, leaf curl, and/or canker.
Lift and store crops for winter use.
Inspect store crops and discard those that have spoiled.
Begin winter digging and composting.
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