Garden Tasks for December
Posted November 30, 2018

Days are shortened, longer nights and onset of winter weather, most gardening activity is curtailed this month. A well earned rest! Now is the perfect time to sit back and start to make plans for the next season. Keep in mind that the key to successful gardening is to do what has to be done at the right time, or even a little in advance. Continue digging the plot and add some organic matter to the soil whenever the weather conditions permit. Keep the garden tidy and free from weeds. Most importantly, December is that time to send off for seeds.
Watch the weather conditions, and cover winter crops with fleece or cloches when nights dip below 30 F for continued growth and harvest.
Many crops planted in the fall may be ready for harvest, such as; Brussels sprouts, cabbage, winter cauliflower, endive, chicory, and leeks.
As the garden crops are exhausted or froze, remove debris and add healthy material to the compost pile.
Keeping old debris cleaned up from the garden will decrease pests and disease for the following growing season.
Begin winter digging and adding manure and/or compost. If the soil is heavy it will benefit from being left rough dug over the winter, otherwise just lightly fork the soil to ease any compaction. About a month before you intend to plant, spread organic matter over the surface before incorporating it with the soil.
Inspect stored crops and discard those that have spoiled.
Clean and oil tools and make any repair to equipment.
Make sure Brussels sprouts are well supported for winter.
Dig Jerusalem Artichokes as needed. Let nature store this crop, as it keeps well right where it grows through the winter months.
Enjoy winter for its beauty!
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