Vegetable Seeds Best Sown Directly into the Ground
Posted March 20, 2019

While we can start several seeds indoors or in a greenhouse in pots to get a jump start on the season, there are several vegetable seeds that are best sown directly into the ground. These suggested vegetables seeds, certainly can be sown in pots indoors for later transplant, but they go through a higher risk of transplant shock. Seeds directly sown will generally catch up and surpass the transplants and be healthier in the long run. Plus, it is more cost effective when starting from seeds.
Seeds Suggested for Direct Sowing in the Garden:
- Bush Beans
- Pole Beans
- Beets
- Carrots
- Collards
- Corn
- Cucumbers (except where season last less than 90 days)
- Endive
- Kohlrabi
- Mustard Greens
- Okra
- Peas
- Potatoes
- Radishes
- Spinach
- Swiss Chard
- Summer Squash
- Turnips
- Winter Squash
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