Using and Making Leaf Mould in The Garden
Posted November 08, 2016

Leaf mould is one of the finest additions you can add to any soil and can be made with a few simple steps. Leaf mould is rotted/composted leaves that is not particularly rich in nutrients, but it has an extremely good ability to condition soils, encourage natural nutrient cycles, and stimulates microbial activity in the soil.
- Drive in four posts to form the four corners of a square on the ground. Space posts 3 ft apart.
- Create the cage with chicken-wire or similar structure by wrapping wire around the posts and securing wire with u-nails or staples.
- Fold any sharp ends of the wire under.
- Scatter fallen leaves in the cage, sprinkling with water as you layer.
- Keep leaf heap moist.
- Shred leaves before layering with a lawn mower or leaf shredder.
- Sprinkle lightly with Blood Meal or Feather Meal while layering.
- Turn heap occasionally
After a year or two (sooner if using the faster break down method), the leaf mould is ready and should be applied to the soil in late winter or spring. You can tell when your leaf mould is ready when the leaves have broke down into a dark looking material and smells earthy. It's time to add your completed leaf mould to the garden soil! Work in deeply with a spade or tiller without overworking the soil.
Leaf mould is also excellent to mulch around perennial flower and especially roses!
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