Kelp Helps Plants with Summer Heat, Drought and other Stresses.
Posted May 29, 2020

Hot summer months can be brutal on our vegetable gardens. Plants bake under the sun, go through droughts, as well as insect and diseases can take over and stress plants. We can help prevent or help relieve these stresses by applying kelp to our garden plants. Liquid kelp can be applied as a foliar spray (our favorite) when diluted or can also be added to fertigation systems. Typical foliar application is done on a weekly basis for best results.
Benefits of Kelp Include:
- Improve Stress Tolerance to:
- High temperatures (heat)
- Drought
- Diseases - • Delay Plant Decline
• Improve Plant Health And Vigor
• Increase Cell Wall Strength
• Increase Root Mass
• Increase Chlorophyll Content
• Improve Photosynthetic Efficiency
• Increase Antioxidant Levels
Adding kelp to a foliar feeding program and applying it at planting or in drip lines can add many benefits to your crops overall health and production.
Adding dry form kelp into soil when planting is also a huge benefit. Root crops, especially carrots are tastier and have longer tap roots. Beet tops are healthier.
In our test gardens we have sprinkled dry kelp over the leaves and around the base of squash plants to help deter squash bugs with great success. This is done weekly. The smell of kelp acts as an insect confuser, plus adding food for the plants.
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