Fish Fertilizer for the Garden
Posted July 28, 2017

As a fertilizer, fishmeal can have amazing results in your vegetable garden! It contains an excellent source of nitrogen and phosphorus as well being rich in all the micronutrients. Fish fertilizer can be used in the form of meals and liquids.
Which should you use?
Hydrolyzed (liquid) Fish: hydrolyzed fish retains more proteins and micronutrients than emulsions and typically less odor. It is a fast acting water soluble fertilizer that can be used as a foliar spray or root drench. Liquid Fish also contains potash. This is an excellent choice of fertilizer when your plants need a boost during the growing season.
Fish Meal: is ground dried fish and is best used in soil applications before planting. Fish Meal is superb for stimulating soil microbial activity and promotes vigorous root development early in the season for your plants.
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