Organic Fertilizers
Nourish Your Garden with Organic Fertilizer, Soil Conditioners & Microbes.
Creating living soil that is rich in humus and nutrients is key to growing healthy vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees and shrubs. Organic fertilizer comes from natural sources like mined minerals, plants and animals. Organic fertilizer and soil amendments build and feed soil organisms without harming the environment.
We offer a wide variety of the best organic fertilizers, including many of Down to Earth premium fertilizers. below is an outline of each one to help you select the right fertilizer for your garden.
Pelleted Fertilizers - an easy form of spreadable organic fertilizers. Can be spread with garden fertilizer spreaders or sprinkled by hand. They are a slow-release type of fertilizer. There is less dust with pelleted fertilizers. Many fertilizers are bound with water or molasses to make a pellet form of fertilizer. Pelleted forms are just as effective as any other type of fertilizer. Example of Pelleted - Seabird Guano and Pro-Organic 13-0-0.
Powdered Fertilizers - a powder form slow-release that can be applied directed to garden soils. They can last for 1 to nine months in the soil depending on the type. They should be worked into the soil for best results. Powdered Fertilizers can also be mixed with water for a liquid fertilizer. Example of Powdered - Blood Meal, Feather Meal and Oyster Shell
Liquid Fertilizer - a fertilizer that comes in liquid form. It is generally in concentrated form and is diluted with water. Liquid fertilizer is quickly adsorbed by the plant for fast results. It can be sprayed on the foliage or used as a soil drench. Example of Liquid - Liquid Bone Meal and Liquid Fish
Inoculants - beneficial bacteria encourages formation of high-nitrogen nodules on plants root which promote plant health, bigger plants and better yields. They improve plant nutrition; promote plant growth by stimulating plant hormone production; They release enzymes which help break down nutrients into forms more easily utilized. Inoculants are used for treating legume seeds prior to planting. Example of Inoculant - Microbe Brew
Mycorrhizae and Beneficial Bacteria - Mycorrhizae enhances plants ability to take up nutrients and water. It help plants deal with drought and some diseases. The good fungi and bacteria fight off unhealthy fungi and bacteria creating a healthy soil environment. Mycorrhizae and Bacteria can come in a dry granular, water soluble or liquid form. Example of Dry Granular - Root Zone Liquid - Kangaroots
Hydroponic - generally a liquid nutrient-rich fertilizer that can be used in conjunction with soil-less growing practices that have special needs for strong growth. Example of Hydroponic Fertilizer - Grow Big
Soil Amendments - materials added to soil to improve plant growth and health. They build good soil structure while feeding the microbes in the soil, help with water retention, drainage, and aeration. Soil amendments add healthy nutrients. Soil Amendments can be additives from Compost to Crab Meal (which is also a fertilizer). Soil Amending should be done every time new plants go in the ground, whether it's a small amount in or around each planting hole, or the entire planting area. Even the worst soils will improve greatly over time.
Iron Products - correct iron deficiency in chlorotic plants. Iron is a micro nutrient that all plants need to grow healthy. Without it plants will suffer. Example of Iron - Ferriplus
Pick from the categories above to buy organic fertilizer now.
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Our expert gardeners can help you choose the right organic fertilizer for your plants: (435)200-GROW (4769)